Saturday, March 31, 2012

New Website Coming Soon!

Eastern Heights will soon have an all New Website loaded with lots of information and resources for vistitors and members alike.
We will still have the same address...
and will still maintain the blog for archiving older sermon audio files.
Check Back Soon for more information

Monday, February 6, 2012

Supremacy and the Subjects

"Supremacy and the Subjects"

Colossians 1:15-24

Christ Jesus is God's visible witness in all of creation. (1:15)

Christ's power in the church fulfills God's purpose in creation. (1:18)

Christ is the truth that frees us to consecrated, not condemned. (1:20)

Christ's suffering is completed in our lives by sacrificial love. (1:24)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Christ and the Church

Dr. Harry Sherrer
"Christ and the Church" - Click to Listen

We are beginning a new series focused on the church, the body of Christ. Jesus teaches that the church is at the center of God's purpose in the world and that all of creation is dependent on the life of the church. (Romans 8:19-24) How can that be? Our experience of church doesn't appear to fit God's description. We recognize the apathy, conflict and confusion people bring to the church. We also realize that our purposes and what we often call "vision" is so temporary, not the eternal matrix known in Christ. The church is more often described by the things we have gotten wrong than by the grace we celebrate. We will study for the next few weeks; our church identity, the body of opportunity, the love relationship with Christ, our mission in the world, the roles we play, and Christ's eternal redemption fulfilled in the church. You are part of the instrument by which Christ is reconciling the world to himself!

"Christ and the Church"

Matthew 16:13-19

1. Jesus uses the corrupt to achieve perfection.
2. Church is our only kingdom option.
3. The only hope is the supremacy of Christ.
1 Corinthians 1:27-29
4. Let God work the plan in your life!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Applied Truth, Changing Your Life Pattern

Dr. Harry Sherrer
Click Here to Listen

Destructive thoughts precipitate negative patterns of living. Jesus came that we might know the truth and be set free to abundantly live. This week we move from thoughts to actions or behavior. We will contrast the destructive patterns of living with those that are redemptive in our lives. James 4 is God's answer to the questions of how we are made new. It begins with a change of heart or thinking.
We begin to accept the truth God has revealed and see life from a kingdom perspective. We move to trust Christ with all our expectations and accept the realities of our lives with confidence that God wants to work the best for us at all times. Our distress indicates the gap between our expectations and the real circumstances of our lives. We can surrender all our distress to Christ who cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7)

"Applied Truth, Changing Your Life Pattern"

James 4:1-10

1. Identify your myths and recognize their results.

2. Accept the will of Christ and let it filter your thoughts.

3. Tear down the walls of hostility and begin to live.

4. Begin to worship in the face of your difficulties.

(Remember that your thoughts become words, your words become actions, your actions become habits, your habits become character, your character becomes your destiny. Come alive in Christ by allowing the Holy Spirit change your thoughts!)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Thoughts, New Life

Dr. Harry Sherrer
How are we transformed in Christ?
Where does this transformation begin?
How does this happen?
These are questions that cry out for understanding and practical experience. The scriptures clarify the movement of God to give us life begins deep in the human heart with the work of his holy Spirit. Our spiritual growth depends on the exercise of our minds to think about Christ's work of grace in us and the exercise of our bodies in service to Christ. When you begin to look in a new direction, you life will begin to turn that way. We will focus on who we are in Christ and how our lives are directed by Him.
1 Samuel 16:7
Proverbs 4:20-23
Philippians 4:8
Colossians 3:1-3

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday, November 7, 2011

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery
Dr. Harry Sherrer
*Due to technical difficulties a portion of the audio was lost